What Are Low-E Windows?

Energy efficiency is increasingly moving its way up the list of top priorities among potential homebuyers. Buyers want homes with reduced wasted energy and often look for homes that are designed to use less power for utilities.

One way to increase the energy efficiency of your home is to install windows with low emissivity (low-E) glass. Emissivity is an object’s ability to radiate energy. Low-E glass is designed to reduce the amount of heat it transfers, as well as block harmful lights from entering your home.

How Low-E Windows Work

Low-E windows are made with a non-toxic coating that is applied to the glass panes in order to make them more energy-efficient. It does so by reducing the amount of ultraviolet (UV) and infrared light that passes through the window, reflecting it back out into the environment. This prevents those rays from entering your home without sacrificing the amount of light that comes in.

The thin reflective coating also reduces heat loss by trapping energy inside your home. When interior heat tries to escape outside during the winter, low-E windows will reflect it back into your home. In the summer, the opposite occurs; cold air is trapped inside to keep the indoors cool.  

Types of Low-E Coatings

There are two types of low-E coatings for windows, passive and solar control. Both types block UV and infrared rays but have other distinct benefits as well.


Passive low-E coating gets its name from the passive heating effect it creates. This effect reduces the need for artificial heating because it maximizes solar heat that passes through. This option is ideal for homes in colder climates, as it helps reduce heating costs.

Solar Control

In contrast to passive, solar control low-E coating helps to limit the amount of solar heat that enters a building. This keeps your home cooler without as much reliance on air conditioning. Homes in warm climates, including Arizona, would benefit the most from solar control low-E windows.

Benefits of Low-E Windows

An estimated 70% of energy loss in homes escapes through windows and doors, and 90% of that loss from windows is through glass. Low-E coating can drastically reduce that energy loss, which in turn will reduce the amount of money spent on electricity each month.

Along with UV protection and energy savings, some additional benefits of Low-E windows are:

  • Allowing for natural light. Low-E coating is not visible to the naked eye, so it will not obstruct your view outside of the window. This also means that while it blocks harmful lights, the coating will not stop all sunlight from entering your home.
  • Protecting your belongings. When damaging light rays like UV penetrate your windows, they are shining on your furniture, carpets, flooring, and curtains. Over time, these rays can damage and fade your belongings. Having UV light protection will protect your decorations.
  • Durability. This coating is very long-lasting because it is applied to the inside of the glass. It is hard to scratch or damage and cannot be wiped away when the window is cleaned. 

Your Source for Low-E Windows

The Window Depot offers high-performance low-E windows that can make your home more energy-efficient and environmentally conscious. They are a great option for saving money on heating and cooling costs in a warm state like Arizona.

For more information on our low-E windows, contact The Window Depot today.