Tell Tales Signs that It's Time to Replace Your Doors

No matter how well you maintain your home throughout the years, its components were never meant to last forever. As the home shifts and settles, the doors will eventually begin to be thrown off-balance. And of course, they're susceptible to general wear and tear too. Whether you're curious about the interior or exterior barriers, we'll look at when it's time for a door replacement.


Squeaking doors might be easy to fix with just a few drops of oil, but this solution is by no means universal. In some cases, the squeaking is a sign that your door is on its last legs. At the very least, you should tighten any loose hinges to ensure that the door stays shut when you need it too. A weak connector is easy for criminals to force open.

Difficult to Close/Lock

The more the foundation of the home adjusts to the soil below it, the more likely you are to have difficulty closing the door. Whether it's the front door or the attic door, it's not a good sign when you have to wrestle with the handle or jiggle the lock to get it to latch.


This sign can indicate the bottom of the door has warped. (If it's merely drooping, it may be as simple as just readjusting and tightening the hinges.) When you have to really apply pressure to get the door to move across the floor though, you'll need to take action before it becomes entirely impossible to close.


The seals of your door play a big role in your insulation. As the seals start to wear away over time, you're likely to feel the wind start to blow in (and your insulated air leak out). If you place your hand against the middle of the door and move it around during a storm, you'll get a better sense of whether your seals can stand up to the weather.


Even if a door still has a few years left in it, sometimes it's not worth the extra value if you detest looking at it. At times, this issue can be fixed with a coat of paint or sealant, but sometimes the actual materials of the door simply don't fit the rest of the decorating scheme. If you're doing a DIY renovation, doors are also a great way to change the look of the room and add a little extra personality to your design.

Find the Best Tucson Doors

Doors are meant to be sturdy and keep up with a lot of action around the home. However, even the best products will start to see some sort of deterioration over time. Your exterior doors should be given the highest priorities of course, but don't forget about the basement, bathroom, bedroom, and utility room doors. The Window Depot offers so much more than Tucson windows. We're here to make your search a little easier by providing doors in a number of models and materials.